Website maintenance
Our maintenance plans keep you secure, up to date and give you peace of mind.
Recovering your hacked website can be costly in both time and money.
The last thing you want to spend money on is repairing or recovering your hacked website. It can be very costly. If it’s damaged beyond repair, you may even need to have a new website designed. You’ll be paying for a whole new website just because someone was able to access your current one.
Would you even know how to start the repair process? You'll have to spend even more time figuring out who you can trust to fix it. That’s why it’s important to be proactive and have a system in place.
That time and money sink can absolutely be avoided.
Keeping your website safe and secure protects your businesses’ reputation.
Nothing's worse than having your hard-earned reputation take a hit. Especially by something that you can prevent. Hackers take over websites and use them for all different things. And none of them is for good!! If your lucky your visitors won't know that damage is being done. If you’re unlucky the hack will completely take over your website.
This can really ruin the opinion of new visitors and clients. Do you take personal information through forms on your website? Do you take credit cards? It’s important that customers feel safe when using your website.
They won't trust you if there's signs your site isn't secure.